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“The New Normal”


Hey there Red Raider Nation! It feels so great to be back on campus! I know it’s been a while since you’ve probably heard from us but we’re still here! Let’s get you caught up on everything Saddle Tramps.

Last year ended pretty abruptly for us so we didn’t get to do a lot of what we had planned such as, finishing pledge ship, watch our Basketball Team finish off the year or watch our Baseball team even really get started. But, it’s a new semester. Since school started back, we’ve picked right back up where we left off. We elected a new Exec, which you can read who they are below. We initiated the Spring ‘20 pledge class, and we began planning a rush process.

Our new Exec is:

President- Gage Brockman (Fall ‘17)

1st Vice President- Jake Van Horn (Fall ‘17)

2nd Vice President- Matt Brown (Fall ‘19)

Secretary- Trevor Bolger (Fall ‘18)

Treasurer- Parker Napp (Spring ‘19)

Treasurer’s Assistant- JT Powers (Fall ‘19)

Sergeant-At-Arms- Joe Manna (Fall ‘19)

Sergeant-At-Arms- PJ Moore (Fall ‘19)

Our new Actives from the Spring ‘20 pledge class are:

Colby Killian

Trent Bell

Holden Jackola

Caleb Harris

Jose Andrade

Please join us in Congratulating these guys on finishing their pledgeship despite going completely online!

Now, it’s a football game week! It’ll look a little different this year without the Jones being packed but thats ok. If you can make it to a game, you’ll see us be I’m a little different positions this year. Due to COVID Restrictions, we have to take turns on how many guys can be there and we aren’t allowed on the field. So, unfortunately there’s no Bell Circle. But, if you sit under the scoreboard on the North Endzone, you’ll get to see our Brand New Shotguns up close! And if you’re on the Southside Concourse area, you’ll be up close and personal with Bangin’ Bertha! It will take some adjustments but we’re beyond excited for this football season!

As always, follow us on our social media if you haven’t or subscribe to the website so you get all the Newsletters sent directly to your email!

Wear your Masks and Wreck ’Em!!



Saddle Tramps

Pride, Work, Spirit, Leadership, Sacrifice.

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©2022 Texas Tech Saddle Tramps.

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